lunes, 24 de septiembre de 2018

Bio data

Ignacio Gonzalo Rivera Villarroel is Anthropology-Archaeology second year student in Universidad de Chile. He was born in Arica on October 30th, 1997 and studied the primary and secondary in Junior College school in that city. Later he moved to Santiago in 2016, and after one year as part of a degree in History in Universidad de Chile, he decided to quit that career to start with his current one in 2017 and to become an archaeologist, since his bigger academic interest and topic to research is the Andean America, specific the pre-Columbian period's cultures. He wants to do research in sites in northern Chile, so he can write some papers and to publish them. 

Rivera describes himself as someone responsible, disciplined, and who like to keep an orderly record of documents, files, checks and bills, who likes to work in team with other people and a music lover as well. He likes to travel, theme parks and the circus world. And even if he's not an outdoor sports lover, he enjoy to swimming. After achieving his Archaeology degree, he is looking for a master in a European university. He currently resides in Santiago de Chile and you can leave a message here if you want to contact him. 

miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Free time activities

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about some activities that a I do in my free time. Well, to be honest, lately I don't have enough free time, due to the end of the semester. The last weeks have been very busy, but when I got plenty of time, I like to spent time with my friends, specially talking a lot. I like to hear their stories and have a long walking either on the beach or in downtown. I really like to read some novels too. As I said before, I don't have enough time right now, so I don't have read a lot lately, but I usually do it, almost every day on vacations. I like the magic realism genre, in novels like "Like Water for Chocolate" or "One Hundred Years of Solitude". I like to read on my bedroom, but lately I have been thinking of read someday maybe in a park, sited in the grass, looking the people passing by. Maybe it would be a nice new way to spend free time, and it could be even nicer with a special person. I like to read because it relaxes me, especially when I do it with some soft music. I really like music too, I like to know new songs and learn them, even if I don't have a good voice to sing hahaha. 

Well, this is the last entry on this blog. Hope to see you soon guys! :D

martes, 7 de agosto de 2018

A funny app

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about one of my favorite app, “GuessUp”. It’s a game in which you must guess specific stuff in different categories, like famous people, movie, music, animals, countries, jobs, art, geography, sports, among many others subjects, while your partners give clues to you or makes some mime to help you to figure it out the correct answer.  I discovered this app in a party with school friends. We were so bored and one of them shows the game to us, and we had a very good time. It is fun to play it, either with friends or family. I don’t really use it often, since it’s useful just at parties or in a long waiting. I used it for the last time the last Saturday, in a friend’s house. We were working, and then we start to with some drinks. A couple of hours later, we were a little drunk and playing with "GuessUp" we laughed a lot. Shortly after we went to sleep hahaha. Well, I recommend it a lot. When you get bored, it could help you to spend a good time with your friends. 

Well... Maybe you could think that there are plenty of more interesting apps, but right now, I don't have enough memory on my cell phone. So, I don't spend a lot of time on apps. What about your favorite app?

martes, 31 de julio de 2018

About today's activities

I’ve been doing the activities that teacher sent to us to practice some reading, listening and vocabulary. I think that I did the activities very quickly; maybe they’re too short. But, it helps to keep us on training a second language heading for the test that is coming soon next month.

martes, 24 de julio de 2018

Ambitions of mine

Hello everyone! Today I’m going to talk about my personal ambitions. Well, to be honest, I don’t care too much for money, but it still necessary to have a relatively “good life”, so I would like to reach a good job in the future, that brings enough money to me, but as I always say, I think that I won’t need luxuries.  I would like to do visit Machu Picchu, because I’m deeply in love with the Andean cultures of America, so I want to visit that one and another archaeologist and historical sites. So, maybe consider this, I should start to save some money, for go on this trip on the next summer.

In the short place, I want and need to pass every exam, especially since today that I’m start to think that I’m going to be a little stressed in the following weeks. And, well, I’ve been thinking about this for a long time, but I would like to start at gym soon. Honestly, I’ve been saying that for a couple of months, but at the end, nothing happened. I think that it could help me to be healthier and to clear my mind too. Like the teacher’s said on her blog, and as my mother said to me, there is nothing like peace of mind, because it helps to feeling relaxed and with your life in control. Well, it would seem to be a little easy or not so important, but, at last, I think that’s all. It’s like a point from which you could start to achieve your ambitions.  

martes, 17 de julio de 2018

Best birthday celebration

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the best birthday party that I ever had, or that I remember, at least. It was my 12th birthday. and it was celebrated on my grandmother's house, because I lived with my family in a small department, so we don't had enough space for all the guests. It started about 6:00 pm, and since my birthday is on october 30th, I decided to celebrate it the next day, in Halloween evening. It was a costumes party, so most of my friends attended like that. I remember that I invited just my friends of the condominium that used to live near me and a couple of cousins, but not to my school's friends or more family. I really don't know why hahaha, but maybe becuase it could be a lot of people. Well, with my parents we decorated the hall and the backyard with some ghostly decoration some pumpkins and related Halloween stuff. Once my friends arrived, I remember that we went to the park in front of my grandmother's house, and there we played some games and laugh. Maybe the best part of the night was when we decided to go for some trick-or-treat in the neighbourhood, so we had a very nice time, walking in the streets, along with my parents of course, and picking up some candies. Later, when the party was over, I remember that a couple of friends attend to my house, and we watched some movies late at night. I think that this was one of my last birthday parties with a lot of guest, because later I prefer the small reunions with just few people. Do you remember a special birthday party that you had? 

viernes, 13 de julio de 2018

I really love food

Yes, I really love food hahaha. And I think that everyone does it. How can I start? Well, I think that I prefer sweet than salty, by far. I love to taste a good chocolate. And, of course, my weakness are the cookies, I love almost every kind of biscuits. Are esential in my diet hahaha. My favourite cake it's a chocolate one, that I usually eat at a pizza place, it's a little funny that I prefer their cake than their pizza. Well, I like it too haha. Lately I try different cheesecakes, and I really like it. I would like to prepare one soon, maybe this weekend I would try. I don't like meat in general, but I can't see myself as a vegetarian guy, because I like fish. I used to say that I would eat fish everyday and won't get bored. And another of my weakness are french fries, chinese food and some sandwich. Now I'm getting hungry hahaha. Well, maybe you are thinking that I'm a pig haha but I like to balance it with healthier food. I really like salads, with a lot of abocado on it. I like some fruits mix, and the quinoa instead of rice. At the same time, I try to do some exercise as often as I could, so when I eat a lot of things, I don't feel so guilty. 

My kind of music

Hello! Today I'm going to talk about music. I love music. I really do. I think that to listen and to sing your favorite songs, releases you, sets you free, and let you to experience a deeply feelings. There's a type of music for each situation, for when you're happy and euphoric, or sad and melancholic. I usually wake up listening some music to help me to wake up and feel good. My kind it's a mix of genres: rock, pop, a little of reggaeton, and even classical. I think that my favorite it's the 70's - 80's and 90's music. Even my dad told me once that I was stolen his music hahaha, because he used to listen to it when he was young. I would like to learn to sing, so I can enjoy it a little more. In the other hand, i really love Cirque du Soleil's music. I think that their music it's a mix of poetry and dexterity, and it make me feel so good, even if many of the lyrics are just gibberish. I really prefer music in english than in spanish, so it helps to learn and practice a second languaje. Finally, I really like to hear some instrumental scores from my favourites movies, often as I read some papers for university. In that case I prefer instrumental soundtracks instead of music with lyrics, because I would sing it hahaha. In general, I think that music can take you places in your mind. What about your music?

martes, 10 de julio de 2018

I would like to work in...

Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since my last post. But today, and hoping you all are well, I’m going to talk about some jobs that I would like to have in the future. It’s maybe a difficult question hahaha. Well, since I’m studying this career, I see myself being an archaeologist in a few years from now, doing some investigation and write interesting things and papers, maybe starting an academic career, and working either in a lab or in sites. Even I would like to have some teaching experience. I think that is important to teach to the new generations about what they want to learn; so I would be glad to teach them about a topic that I love, Indian America, for example. To be honest, I have never work in anything. But lately I’ve been thinking to work in the summer. I don’t know, but in a cinema would be interesting. I think it may be easy, but it will keep me busy. In a good way I wish. I’ve always said that I want a job that won’t let me be with the cell phone in hand. I want something that can keep me busy, doing stuff, with the head in it… and having fun, obviously. Well, that’s maybe why I would like to working in a musical show, in a circus, or acting. I told you in a previous post about my wishes to do some acting in the future. It would be challenging, but I would enjoy it a lot. It’s a little different than the career that I’m studying, but I really would like to do something like that in the future. Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to write some novels, so I would like write some things, and maybe one day publishing it. Maybe it could be a mix of all these things and jobs that I'm talking about. What about you? What you would like to job at?

martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Something that I would like to learn

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about some things that I would like to learn now or in the future. This is an interesting topic. Actually, lately I’m trying to learn new things. First, I’d like to know how to cook, because I feel that is really useful and entertaining too. Just little things for now, but maybe later I would try with something bigger. The last summer, I started doing some crossfit. Though it was a little difficult at the first, I really felt that I got into it. Later, in Santiago I stopped with that, because of the University stuff and the lack of time. Maybe on vacations I could try again. But if there is something that I deeply want to learn about, that is the theater and acting. I have always liked it, but I really don’t know why I never have took some classes or something. Well, this semester I wanted to join Acting class here at University, as an artistic subject, but because schedule issues I couldn’t. I think that is extremely funny but at the same time, a challenge learn about corporal expressions, movements, training the voice, and even some dance and sing. I believe that learning to sing it’s a great challenge, and I would like to try some day. So that’s about my interests hahaha. What about yours? 

martes, 24 de abril de 2018

My first day at university

I had two first days at University. My first one was on 2016, on my first year of the Degree in History. I remember that I was a little nervous, because I didn't participate in the introductory activities, so I didn't know anyone or anything. I really didn't know where the first classes were schedule to be. But, early I found the auditorium in which i had my first class: Theory of Geography. I didn't like it a lot, but it was okay. I remember that I talk to a couple of guys, but the very first week was a little boring. With the followings ones I really got myself into it. But later, I quit that career. The following year, 2017, I started in Anthropology. In comparison with the previous year, that first day was way better. That morning I wasn't nervous at all. I have already known about the locations of the classrooms, the restrooms, the casino and places to get food. I was a little anxious, but in a good way. I really had a high hopes to that first day. The first class was Anthropology I, and I remember that instantly the teachers schedule homework for two days later. That day I spoke to some people, but especially with two friends of mine that I met in high school. They were starting Anthropology that year too, so we’re classmates until today. That first day we had a window period, so in that couple of hours, I literally ran to Salvador station, for the photography to the TUI and TNE cards, and to trying to come back to the University. Unbelievable, I did it just in time, and the next class was Archaeology I and it was really funny and interesting. So that's about my two first days at University, and comparing both, I totally prefer the second one haha. 

martes, 17 de abril de 2018

About my best friend

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to write about my best friend. She’s named Viviana and she’s 20 years old. We met each other at first grade of secondary school, but we didn’t get closer until third grade. We began closer friends at our first chemistry test of 2014. I didn’t know absolutely anything about it and she volunteered to teach me. Since that day we start to build our friendship. With the time, we noticed that we had a lot of things in common; some music, movies, food, games, a lot of things really. We know each other family too, so we know each other very well. We have a strong mutual reliance, so we can talk openly about our problems and stuff. She always can advise with my troubles and I love her for that. For all our memories together, the movies that we saw at the cinema, the places that we visited, the meals that we shared.  She confessed to me that at first, she think that I was blind because of my dark glasses. We usually laugh about that. Since she’s living on Arica we don’t see each other as often as we used to do. But we talk almost every day, so we are not so apart at last. Really hope to see her soon.

martes, 10 de abril de 2018

Things that make me feel good

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about the things that make me feel good. I like to go to the beach, with my family or friends. On summer, swimming on the beach or just lays in the sand it’s a great feeling for me. With no worries, being free, eating something, listen to some music. Now I appreciate it even more, since the fact that I’m away from home now, from my family and many of my friends. Maybe always the people value even more the little things on their lives when they look back and remember it. I like to be with my friends here too. I like it a lot, doing different things, studying or just playing, talking about important topics or nonsenses. I enjoy the circus stuff too, the music, the acts and characters. It’s like a magic world that I like a lot. And I like the music in general and sing; even if I know that I don’t does it well. Usually I don’t do a lot of exercise, but from now I am going to start in swimming classes on this semester. So I hope it will be great and that it will help me to be a little more active.