miércoles, 15 de agosto de 2018

Free time activities

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about some activities that a I do in my free time. Well, to be honest, lately I don't have enough free time, due to the end of the semester. The last weeks have been very busy, but when I got plenty of time, I like to spent time with my friends, specially talking a lot. I like to hear their stories and have a long walking either on the beach or in downtown. I really like to read some novels too. As I said before, I don't have enough time right now, so I don't have read a lot lately, but I usually do it, almost every day on vacations. I like the magic realism genre, in novels like "Like Water for Chocolate" or "One Hundred Years of Solitude". I like to read on my bedroom, but lately I have been thinking of read someday maybe in a park, sited in the grass, looking the people passing by. Maybe it would be a nice new way to spend free time, and it could be even nicer with a special person. I like to read because it relaxes me, especially when I do it with some soft music. I really like music too, I like to know new songs and learn them, even if I don't have a good voice to sing hahaha. 

Well, this is the last entry on this blog. Hope to see you soon guys! :D

1 comentario:

  1. Something bad about university is that it doesn't leave you enough time to do other things. Like you, I also love reading, but I don't have much time to do it. :(
