martes, 17 de julio de 2018

Best birthday celebration

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about the best birthday party that I ever had, or that I remember, at least. It was my 12th birthday. and it was celebrated on my grandmother's house, because I lived with my family in a small department, so we don't had enough space for all the guests. It started about 6:00 pm, and since my birthday is on october 30th, I decided to celebrate it the next day, in Halloween evening. It was a costumes party, so most of my friends attended like that. I remember that I invited just my friends of the condominium that used to live near me and a couple of cousins, but not to my school's friends or more family. I really don't know why hahaha, but maybe becuase it could be a lot of people. Well, with my parents we decorated the hall and the backyard with some ghostly decoration some pumpkins and related Halloween stuff. Once my friends arrived, I remember that we went to the park in front of my grandmother's house, and there we played some games and laugh. Maybe the best part of the night was when we decided to go for some trick-or-treat in the neighbourhood, so we had a very nice time, walking in the streets, along with my parents of course, and picking up some candies. Later, when the party was over, I remember that a couple of friends attend to my house, and we watched some movies late at night. I think that this was one of my last birthday parties with a lot of guest, because later I prefer the small reunions with just few people. Do you remember a special birthday party that you had? 

8 comentarios:

  1. My last birthday party was in halloween (my birthday is in october 28th), and it was a costumes party too haha. Is so amazing because we can do a lot of terrorific things in our birthdays

  2. Using costumes, specially in your birthday it's a very fun thing! i think i can't remember a birthday party. Anyway, have a good evening

  3. Use the halloween's date was a good idea, even more if you think in the childrens hungry for sugar.

  4. I have a friend born the same day of you and I go for a costumes party, this years celebrate everyone ! <3

  5. I've never had a costume birthday party, it must be super cool I guess!

  6. Wow! A costume birthday will be really amazing!

  7. is very beautiful the birthday with the family, the 6;00 pm is very afternoon for a children the 12 year old

  8. Hello Ignacio! Wow, nice story, be 12 years old was beautiful
