viernes, 13 de julio de 2018

My kind of music

Hello! Today I'm going to talk about music. I love music. I really do. I think that to listen and to sing your favorite songs, releases you, sets you free, and let you to experience a deeply feelings. There's a type of music for each situation, for when you're happy and euphoric, or sad and melancholic. I usually wake up listening some music to help me to wake up and feel good. My kind it's a mix of genres: rock, pop, a little of reggaeton, and even classical. I think that my favorite it's the 70's - 80's and 90's music. Even my dad told me once that I was stolen his music hahaha, because he used to listen to it when he was young. I would like to learn to sing, so I can enjoy it a little more. In the other hand, i really love Cirque du Soleil's music. I think that their music it's a mix of poetry and dexterity, and it make me feel so good, even if many of the lyrics are just gibberish. I really prefer music in english than in spanish, so it helps to learn and practice a second languaje. Finally, I really like to hear some instrumental scores from my favourites movies, often as I read some papers for university. In that case I prefer instrumental soundtracks instead of music with lyrics, because I would sing it hahaha. In general, I think that music can take you places in your mind. What about your music?

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