martes, 10 de julio de 2018

I would like to work in...

Hi everyone! It’s been a long time since my last post. But today, and hoping you all are well, I’m going to talk about some jobs that I would like to have in the future. It’s maybe a difficult question hahaha. Well, since I’m studying this career, I see myself being an archaeologist in a few years from now, doing some investigation and write interesting things and papers, maybe starting an academic career, and working either in a lab or in sites. Even I would like to have some teaching experience. I think that is important to teach to the new generations about what they want to learn; so I would be glad to teach them about a topic that I love, Indian America, for example. To be honest, I have never work in anything. But lately I’ve been thinking to work in the summer. I don’t know, but in a cinema would be interesting. I think it may be easy, but it will keep me busy. In a good way I wish. I’ve always said that I want a job that won’t let me be with the cell phone in hand. I want something that can keep me busy, doing stuff, with the head in it… and having fun, obviously. Well, that’s maybe why I would like to working in a musical show, in a circus, or acting. I told you in a previous post about my wishes to do some acting in the future. It would be challenging, but I would enjoy it a lot. It’s a little different than the career that I’m studying, but I really would like to do something like that in the future. Ever since I was a kid I've wanted to write some novels, so I would like write some things, and maybe one day publishing it. Maybe it could be a mix of all these things and jobs that I'm talking about. What about you? What you would like to job at?

4 comentarios:

  1. Hi!, I feel the same as you, since I entered this career is hard to see me doing something else. But it would be great to work in acting! It's really great and fun. Also, it would be amazing that you publish something, I would like to read it.

  2. Hi! You want a job which keep your head in the game (like Troy Bolton) It's great that you want to do so many things in the future, I think it would be really great if you mix all this activities, you could be an archaeologist who is an actor, who it's at the same time a novel writer. I hope you can have all the energy to reach your goals and good luck with everything :)


  3. haha I love that you have so many ideas of work, it is great that you can complement the archeology with being a teacher, but it is better to realize the desires that you still contemplate as acting or writing novels, I know that one day you will achieve all that, greetings!

  4. It is very difficult to imagine some work not related to anthropology, I also want to be an archaeologist, maybe we are co-workers in the future
