martes, 15 de mayo de 2018

Something that I would like to learn

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about some things that I would like to learn now or in the future. This is an interesting topic. Actually, lately I’m trying to learn new things. First, I’d like to know how to cook, because I feel that is really useful and entertaining too. Just little things for now, but maybe later I would try with something bigger. The last summer, I started doing some crossfit. Though it was a little difficult at the first, I really felt that I got into it. Later, in Santiago I stopped with that, because of the University stuff and the lack of time. Maybe on vacations I could try again. But if there is something that I deeply want to learn about, that is the theater and acting. I have always liked it, but I really don’t know why I never have took some classes or something. Well, this semester I wanted to join Acting class here at University, as an artistic subject, but because schedule issues I couldn’t. I think that is extremely funny but at the same time, a challenge learn about corporal expressions, movements, training the voice, and even some dance and sing. I believe that learning to sing it’s a great challenge, and I would like to try some day. So that’s about my interests hahaha. What about yours? 

5 comentarios:

  1. Acting in general must be really useful. As you say, corporal expression, projection of the voice all good things to command.
    Crossfit, wow, not sure I could ever do it :/


  2. Hello, I believe that everything the world can help you learn to cook, so that you can survive in college, after arriving at your home, I love that you love the theater, because it is very beautiful and I hope you can meet Your desire in that.

  3. Acting? Wow, that it's really cool! On the other hand, cook is so funny, I recommend it a lot!

  4. learning to cook is not as difficult as it seems, you could try something simple at first and then with something more difficult it's sad that the university takes so much time

  5. I gave up trying to cook to be honest,I wish you luck. And about acting is a common dream because I would also love to act in university!
