martes, 10 de abril de 2018

Things that make me feel good

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about the things that make me feel good. I like to go to the beach, with my family or friends. On summer, swimming on the beach or just lays in the sand it’s a great feeling for me. With no worries, being free, eating something, listen to some music. Now I appreciate it even more, since the fact that I’m away from home now, from my family and many of my friends. Maybe always the people value even more the little things on their lives when they look back and remember it. I like to be with my friends here too. I like it a lot, doing different things, studying or just playing, talking about important topics or nonsenses. I enjoy the circus stuff too, the music, the acts and characters. It’s like a magic world that I like a lot. And I like the music in general and sing; even if I know that I don’t does it well. Usually I don’t do a lot of exercise, but from now I am going to start in swimming classes on this semester. So I hope it will be great and that it will help me to be a little more active.

3 comentarios:

  1. I like to travel too, it's cool to learn about another places and another persons!

  2. I love the circus too! especially when the acrobats do fantastic things in the air. So, good luck on the swimming classes! :)

  3. I love the beach too, but I prefer the field and the south of Chile, because I love the forest and the rain.
