martes, 17 de abril de 2018

About my best friend

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to write about my best friend. She’s named Viviana and she’s 20 years old. We met each other at first grade of secondary school, but we didn’t get closer until third grade. We began closer friends at our first chemistry test of 2014. I didn’t know absolutely anything about it and she volunteered to teach me. Since that day we start to build our friendship. With the time, we noticed that we had a lot of things in common; some music, movies, food, games, a lot of things really. We know each other family too, so we know each other very well. We have a strong mutual reliance, so we can talk openly about our problems and stuff. She always can advise with my troubles and I love her for that. For all our memories together, the movies that we saw at the cinema, the places that we visited, the meals that we shared.  She confessed to me that at first, she think that I was blind because of my dark glasses. We usually laugh about that. Since she’s living on Arica we don’t see each other as often as we used to do. But we talk almost every day, so we are not so apart at last. Really hope to see her soon.

6 comentarios:

  1. Wow! You have a great history together, this is a lovely friendship, I hope that you can see her someday :(

  2. Study away from home it's a challenge, I wish you the best and that you can find, but not reimplaze, another excelent friend!

  3. I'm too saw many movies with my best friend Its like a tradition :o

  4. Hello Ignacio! Your relationship whit your friend is beautiful, i think that you miss him a lot :( but the friendship is stronger that the distance!

  5. your friendship story is very beautiful, is many time the friendship I hope they last many more year as friends

  6. I hope you can see her soon!!
    People like that are necessary to let off steam and talk good!
