martes, 24 de abril de 2018

My first day at university

I had two first days at University. My first one was on 2016, on my first year of the Degree in History. I remember that I was a little nervous, because I didn't participate in the introductory activities, so I didn't know anyone or anything. I really didn't know where the first classes were schedule to be. But, early I found the auditorium in which i had my first class: Theory of Geography. I didn't like it a lot, but it was okay. I remember that I talk to a couple of guys, but the very first week was a little boring. With the followings ones I really got myself into it. But later, I quit that career. The following year, 2017, I started in Anthropology. In comparison with the previous year, that first day was way better. That morning I wasn't nervous at all. I have already known about the locations of the classrooms, the restrooms, the casino and places to get food. I was a little anxious, but in a good way. I really had a high hopes to that first day. The first class was Anthropology I, and I remember that instantly the teachers schedule homework for two days later. That day I spoke to some people, but especially with two friends of mine that I met in high school. They were starting Anthropology that year too, so we’re classmates until today. That first day we had a window period, so in that couple of hours, I literally ran to Salvador station, for the photography to the TUI and TNE cards, and to trying to come back to the University. Unbelievable, I did it just in time, and the next class was Archaeology I and it was really funny and interesting. So that's about my two first days at University, and comparing both, I totally prefer the second one haha. 

martes, 17 de abril de 2018

About my best friend

Hello everybody! Today I’m going to write about my best friend. She’s named Viviana and she’s 20 years old. We met each other at first grade of secondary school, but we didn’t get closer until third grade. We began closer friends at our first chemistry test of 2014. I didn’t know absolutely anything about it and she volunteered to teach me. Since that day we start to build our friendship. With the time, we noticed that we had a lot of things in common; some music, movies, food, games, a lot of things really. We know each other family too, so we know each other very well. We have a strong mutual reliance, so we can talk openly about our problems and stuff. She always can advise with my troubles and I love her for that. For all our memories together, the movies that we saw at the cinema, the places that we visited, the meals that we shared.  She confessed to me that at first, she think that I was blind because of my dark glasses. We usually laugh about that. Since she’s living on Arica we don’t see each other as often as we used to do. But we talk almost every day, so we are not so apart at last. Really hope to see her soon.

martes, 10 de abril de 2018

Things that make me feel good

Hello! Today I’m going to talk about the things that make me feel good. I like to go to the beach, with my family or friends. On summer, swimming on the beach or just lays in the sand it’s a great feeling for me. With no worries, being free, eating something, listen to some music. Now I appreciate it even more, since the fact that I’m away from home now, from my family and many of my friends. Maybe always the people value even more the little things on their lives when they look back and remember it. I like to be with my friends here too. I like it a lot, doing different things, studying or just playing, talking about important topics or nonsenses. I enjoy the circus stuff too, the music, the acts and characters. It’s like a magic world that I like a lot. And I like the music in general and sing; even if I know that I don’t does it well. Usually I don’t do a lot of exercise, but from now I am going to start in swimming classes on this semester. So I hope it will be great and that it will help me to be a little more active.